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  • 5:00 pm 6:00 pm, August 5, 2024
    Miami Township Trustee Meeting 

  • 5:00 pm 6:00 pm, August 19, 2024
    Miami Township Trustee Meeting 

  • 7:00 pm 9:00 pm, August 20, 2024
    Zoning Commission Meeting 

  • 5:00 pm 6:00 pm, September 2, 2024
    Miami Township Trustee Meeting 

  • 5:00 pm 6:00 pm, September 16, 2024
    Miami Township Trustee Meeting 

  • 7:00 pm 9:00 pm, September 17, 2024
    Zoning Commission Meeting 

  • 5:00 pm 6:00 pm, October 7, 2024
    Miami Township Trustee Meeting 

  • 7:00 pm 9:00 pm, October 15, 2024
    Zoning Commission Meeting 

  • 5:00 pm 6:00 pm, October 21, 2024
    Miami Township Trustee Meeting 

  • 5:00 pm 6:00 pm, November 4, 2024
    Miami Township Trustee Meeting 

October 17, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm. by Chairperson Mucher. Trustees Hollister and Moir were present. Road Department Supervisor Gochenouer and Fiscal Officer Silliman were also present.
Audience members YS Chamber of Commerce President Mark Heise, Kris Barnett and Bill Sheeman representing The Little Miami River Consumer Surplus Calculation, local resident Drew Deal and YS News reporter Lauren Shows were present.

A MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Ms. Moir was made to adopt the minutes of October 3rd as amended. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

A MOTION by Ms. Moir and SECONDED by Mr. Hollister was made to reconvene the October 3rd Public Hearing regarding the Amendment to Chapter 13 of the Zoning Resolution: Planned Development. MOTION CARRIED unanimously and amendment to Chapter 13: Planned Development was adopted unanimously.

A MOTION by Ms. Moir and SECONDED by Mr. Hollister was made to pay accounts in the amount of: $54,480.64: General Fund – $2,411.29; Fire Fund – $34,130.04; Cemetery – $7,423.00; EMS Billing – $6,525.06; Road and Bridge – $3,990.25. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

The Trustees received:
• STAR Ohio 2022 Annual Report;
• Private Vibes for D.A.M.S. invitation;
• Ohio Department “HONDA-LG makes major investment in OH” announcement;
• Little Miami Watershed Network Oct. 20 event announcement;
• OTA’s 10/14 Legislative Alert;
• RPCC Executive Committee Meeting October 18th;
• E-Mail from Twp. resident re: road issues;
• 2022 Cost of Living Report from Jerry Sutton;
• Greene County Sanitary Engineer’s Pipeline newsletter;
• Fire Chief’s Council of Greene County letter of concern re: dispatch rate increase;
• E-Mails from Steve Wirrig re: Fire Levy;
• Letter from Cedarville resident re: Ohio Power Siting Board’s siting process;
• E-Mail requesting SLFRF NEU documentation;
• Fund Status, Revenue Status and Appropriation Status reports for 10/17/22.

The Little Miami River Watershed Network conducted research on the monetary value the Little Miami River has on the surrounding community. They reported, after 7 months of surveying, that $1,490,000.00 is the calculated value to the commercial benefit to the river’s surrounds.
Zoning Inspector Zopf reminded all that development is the most seriously important threat to the rivers. The Trustees thanked Mr. Sheeman and Ms. Barnett for their hard work and valuable information.

Trustee Hollister shared concerns re: Ohio State Senate Bill 52 which was passed after Kingswood’s application. He added other solar installation companies are inquiring about land for lease/sale to be used at a utility scale. Mr. Hollister asked that Miami Township ask the Greene County Commissioners to declare all of the area that is zoned agricultural be prohibited from utility scale solar installations. He added that the Commissioners would take the request more seriously if it came from public comment. That being said, the Trustees agreed to hold a Public Hearing at their next meeting November 7th. Therefore, a MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Mr. Mucher was made to hold a Public Hearing on November 8th requesting that the Greene County Board of Commissioners use their authority under Senate Bill 52: To prohibit utility scale solar installations on agricultural land in Miami Township. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

Audience member Drew Deal expressed great concern regarding Senate Bill 52 in that he believes it is ‘strictly political”. He believes that Ohio legislature has chosen to support the fossil fuel industry and is trying to prevent solar and wind energy in any way.

No report.

Mr. Gochenouer reported that base pouring in the cemeteries is the priority this coming week.

It was reported that all was good at this time.

A MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Ms. Moir was made to adopt RESOLUTION 2022-38: Amendment of Permanent Appropriations. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

Greene County RPCC – Mr. Mucher reported that the Commission met and conducted normal business.
Clifton-Union Cemetery – No action to be reported
YSDC – No action to be reported.
Grinnell Mill – No report to be made.

No report.

No report.

A MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Ms. Moir was made to Adjourn. MOTION CARRIED unanimously. Time – 7:35 pm.