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Upcoming Events

  • 5:00 pm 6:00 pm, January 6, 2025
    Board of Trustees Mtg 

  • 7:00 pm 8:00 pm, January 21, 2025
    Zoning Commission 

  • 5:00 pm 6:00 pm, January 22, 2025
    Board of Trustees Mtg 

  • 5:00 pm 6:00 pm, February 3, 2025
    Board of Trustees Mtg 

  • 7:00 pm 8:00 pm, February 18, 2025
    Zoning Commission 

  • 5:00 pm 6:00 pm, February 19, 2025
    Board of Trustees Mtg 

  • 5:00 pm 6:00 pm, March 3, 2025
    Board of Trustees Mtg 

  • 7:00 pm 8:00 pm, March 17, 2025
    Board of Trustees Mtg 

  • 7:00 pm 8:00 pm, March 18, 2025
    Zoning Commission 

  • 5:00 pm 6:00 pm, April 7, 2025
    Board of Trustees Mtg 

October 1, 2018





OCTOBER 1, 2018



The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Mucher.  Trustees Crockett and Hollister were also present.  Fire Chief Altman, Road Department employee Gochenouer, Zoning Inspector Zopf and Fiscal Officer Silliman were present.



A MOTION by Mr. Crockett and SECONDED by Mr.Hollister was made to adopt the minutes of September 17th as presented.  MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

A MOTION by Mr. Crockett and SECONDED by Mr.Hollister was made to adopt the minutes of September 22nd as presented.  MOTION CARRIED unanimously.



A MOTION by Mr.Hollister and SECONDED by Mr. Crockett was made to pay accounts in the amount of $46,451.62: General Fund – $6,454.05; Fire Fund – $25,496.23; Cemetery Fund – $2,574.45; EMS Billing – $8,067.09; Road and Bridge – $3,859. 80.  MOTION CARRIED unanimously.



The Trustees received:

  • Ohio Township magazine;
  • Citizen advisory from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency;
  • Introduction from Charles E. Harris & Associates, Inc.;
  • STAR OHIO 2018 Annual Report;
  • OTARMA Board of Directors Election – Call for Leadership and quarterly newsletter “Update”;
  • OTA’s Legislative Alert for 9/21;
  • E-Mail to and from Dan Montgomery re: “Notice to Bid” ads, Bid Document Conference and revised drawings;
  • E-Mail from DMS ink re: account information;
  • E-Mail from MVRPC re: SFY2020 PDAC Solicitation;
  • E-Mail from Sugarcreek Township re: potential funding for Townships;
  • Greene County Public Health October 4th meeting announcement;
  • Public Hearing announcement: Conditional Use, October 8th;
  • E-Mail re: September OCA Journal;
  • E-Mail from State Auditor’s Office re: GASB Statement;
  • Fund Status, Revenue Status and Appropriation Status for October 1, 2018.



Chief Altman reported there were 33 EMS and 17 Fire calls since the last meeting.  Eight fire safety inspections were conducted.

National Fire Prevention Week is next week and an Open House is scheduled for October 12th.

Street Fair is October 13 and MTFR will be present as always.

Chief Altman explained the invoice for $2,500 is to purchase a Forceable Entry Training Door.  Cedarville Fire & Rescue are going to share in the cost of the item and will share it’s use.

Due to MTFR member Wasserman working 36 hours per week, he is eligible for health insurance from the Township.  Alex Wendt is not taking insurance coverage from the Township.  A MOTION by Mr.Hollister and SECONDED by Mr.Crockett was made to authorize health insurance coverage to Ted Wasserman.  MOTION CARRIED unanimously.



Mr.Mucher stated that advertising for bids will be publicized starting tomorrow in several regional and local newspapers.   A pre-bid meeting is scheduled for October 16th, 2:00 pm on site.



Mr.Gochenouer reported he has been busy with burials the past 2 weeks and there are more scheduled.

Mr.Mucher asked if the engravings on the stone next to the Scattering Garden are up to date.  Mr. Gochenouer stated he will follow-up on the status.



Mr.Gochenouer stated he is trying to finish trimming roads sides so he can get back to mowing.

There has been a concern expressed regarding drainage on Lamont Drive.  Mr.Gochenouer stated he will check it out and try to unclog it.



A MOTION by Mr.Hollister and SECONDED by Mr.Crockett was made to adopt RESOLUTION 2018—45: Amendment of Permanent Appropriations.  MOTION CARRIED unanimously.



Mr.Zopf reported he has received a request for a zoning variance but may not have enough BZA members for a quorum.

The Zoning Commission did not meet due to a lack of a quorum.

On the matter of Solar farms,  Mr.Zopf received a phone call from a Township resident who was concerned that her home could be surrounded by a solar farm if the project goes through.



Mr.Hollister suggested inviting Dale Arnold to a meeting to discuss solar farms and information pertaining to leasing their land for solar farms.  The Trustees agreed to his visit if he chose to.



No report.



There being no further business to discuss, a MOTON by Mr.Crockett and SECONDED by Mr.Hollister was made to ADJOURN. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.      Time – 8:05 p.m.




President_____________________________  Attest_________________________________