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November 18, 2019 meeting



NOVEMBER 18, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm. By Chairperson Mucher. Trustee Hollister was also present. Fire Chief Altman, Road Department Gochenouer and Fiscal Officer Silliman were present.

A MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Mr. Mucher was made to adopt the minutes of November 4th as presented. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
A MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Mr. Mucher was made to adopt the minutes of November 11th as presented. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

A MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Mr. Mucher was made to pay accounts in the amount of $363,811.12: General Fund – $2,127.70; Fire Fund – $19,107.94; cemetery – $830.30; EMS Billing – $7,508.04; Road and Bridge – $3,593.17; Capital Project – $330,646.97. MOTION CARRIED CARRIED unanimously.

The Trustees received:
• E-Mail from MVRPC: Executive Director’s Update;
• E-Mail re: Amnesty Legislation;
• Notice from Anthem re: Medicare Part D;
• E-Mail re: Waechter marker placement;
• Yellow Springs Schools supplement to the Ohio 2018-19 Report Card;
• E-Mail from Yvonne Corbett re: Phased approval for Footer/Foundation;
• Note from Zoning Inspector Zopf re: Agraria Composting;
• Annual Ray Hensley Christmas Party invitation;
• Fund Status, Revenue Status and Appropriation Status for November 18, 2019.

Chief Altman reported there were 19 fire calls (3 in Bath Twp.), 30 EMS calls (3 in Bath Twp.). Six fire safety inspections were conducted.
Chief Altman continued to report that last Thursday a dog fell through the ice into Ellis Pond. MTFR responded to the incident. Thankfully, the dog was rescued but this experience brought MTFR to the realization that they do not have the equipment necessary to conduct frozen water rescue. In response to the situation, local resident Lauren Miller has spearheaded a fund-raising effort to enable MTFR to purchase water rescue equipment.
On another matter, Chief Altman shared that it has been a few years since the Department has surveyed patients regarding the service they receive from MTFR. Therefore, surveying is going to resume using the “Survey-Monkey” option. This action is necessary to give the folks they serve an opportunity to share their feelings and improve service.
The Annual MTFR Holiday Party is Sunday, December 8th at The Mills Park Hotel.
Regarding the upcoming renewal of the Fire Levy, the Certificate of Estimated Property Tax Resources has been received by the County Auditor. Therefore, a MOTION by Mr. Mucher and SECONDED by Mr. Hollister was made to authorize RESOLUTION 2019-47: Resolution to Proceed with 3.8 mils property tax revenue renewal. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
As a side note, Mr. Hollister opined with attribution to Village resident Al Denman, the current language of the document is verbose and archaic. He conceded to pursue the point with the Board of Elections.
Lastly, Mr. Mucher stated that the unpaid property taxes on the new firehouse location is in the legislative process to be released in the near future.

It was reported that the new footers and foundations are on schedule. Steel tresses and wall units will follow approximately January 1st, 2020.

Mr. Gochenouer reported there was 1 full burial in Glen Forest, 1 ashes in Grinnell Cemetery and 1 ashes internment in Glen Forest Cemetery. An ashes internment is tentatively scheduled for the 291th. He will be pouring a base on Thursday.
Mr. Gochenouer stated he has started to clear the future “white oak grove” addition.
Lastly, Mr. Mucher asked if Mr. Gochenouer had a chance to explore replacement of a mower for Clifton. He replied he has not had a chance but feels it is a good idea.

Mr. Gochenouer reported that he has replaced new tires on one truck. He stated he was pleased with the cost.
He stated he plans to “burn the pit” tomorrow.
Due to the next week including Thanksgiving, Mr. Gochenouer asked if he could take Monday, November 25th thru the 29th off. He added Mr. Morris, his assistant will be available if necessary. Trustees Mucher and Hollister agreed to the request.

A MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Mr. Mucher was made to adopt RESOLUTION 2019-46: Amendment of Permanent Appropriations. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

A memo from Zoning Inspector Zopf to the Trustees opened discussion on a proposal from Agraria to begin composting activities. It was agreed to think about the topic and discuss at the next Trustee’s meeting.
Mr. Hollister added that he plans to attend the Township Zoning Commission’s meeting tomorrow night. The conversation concerning the PUD Section of the Township’s Zoning Code will be continued.

MVRPC – Executive Committee – Mr. Mucher reported he attended but there is nothing significant to report.
RPCC – Mr. Mucher reported the Commission received a request for the rezoning of a small property in Spring Valley Township.
The budget needs for the update of the Comprehensive Plan was discussed. It was noted that the MVRPC is planning to be a part of the project.
Lastly, Mr. Mucher stated, with regret, that the Assistant to the Director has resigned.
YSCDC – Mr. Mucher reported that it is hoped to submit Form 1023-3c which is the application for non-profit status in the next week to 10 days.
Greene County Complete Census Committee – Mr. Hollister stated he has a passive roll within the Committee but emphasized the importance of an accurate county.

No report.

No report.

There being no further business to discuss, a MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Mr. Mucher was made to ADJOURN. MOTION CARRIED unanimously. Time – 6:10 pm.

Chairperson_________________________________ Attest________________________________