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  • 7:00 pm 8:00 pm, February 18, 2025
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  • 7:00 pm 8:00 pm, March 18, 2025
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Miami Township Zoning Commission Minutes for Feb. 18, 2020

Miami Township Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
February 18, 2020

Call to Order: 7:01 pm by B. Corry

Roll Call: B. Corry, F. Legge, J. Fulton, R. Zopf, C. Ham-minutes taker

Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes: Approved with amendment with F. Legge motioning to accept & J. Fulton seconding. All accepted.

Agenda Review: Work on the intent & purpose of the PUD section.

Old Business: B. Corry handed out a suggestion for the intent of the PUD section 13.1. “This section is intended to permit the creation of Planned Development Districts. This district has been established for the purpose of preserving ag land through more efficient allocation of private lots, common grounds, & greater efficiency in providing public & utility services, & securing benefits from new techniques in community development. Such regulations need not be uniform, but may vary & shall promote the public health, safety & welfare.” Some of the ideas for the PUD section are to limit where PUD’s can be located. Most likely near the village for utilities. Our main goal is to preserve ag land, as a priority. Also, to tie the Comprehensive Plan & the Zoning Plan so they compliment each other. One solution may be to increase the frontage to more than 300 feet.

Miami Township growth has been on existing roads. To build a PUD you have to build roads. Building roads are not cheap & take away from the ag land. If the 55% is going to be open, than keep it as farmland. PUD’s would need water & sewer.

B. Corry will bring copies of p. 68, 69, 70 of the PUD section. And, we need to work on acreage & setbacks for PUD’s

New Business: Brief discussion of solar farming in Bath Township.

Announcements & Future Agenda Planning: Next meeting work on conditional uses p.68, 69, & 70 of the zoning plan.

The Agenda for the next meeting will be:
Call to order
Roll Call
Approval of previous meeting minutes
Agenda review
Old Business
New Business
Announcements & Future Agenda Planning

Adjournment: J. Fulton moved to adjourn with F. Legge seconding. All agreed. 8:07 pm. Next meeting will be on March 17, 2020. (due to the coronavirus, there were no meetings in March, April & May) The next meeting will be on June 16, 2020.