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Miami Township Board of Trustees Minutes. April 01, 2019



APRIL 1, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Chairperson Mucher. Trustees Crockett and Hollister were present. Road Department employee Hollister, Fire Chief Altman and Fiscal Officer Silliman were also present.
YS News reporter Carol Simmons and Township resident Jennifer Adams were also present.

A MOTION by Mr.Hollister and SECONDED by Mr.Crockett was made to adopt the minutes of March 18th as presented. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

A MOTION by Mr.Crockett and SECONDED by Mr.Hollister was made to pay accounts in the amount of $77,995.44: General Fund – $6,810.47; Fire Fund – $27,933.34; Cemetery Fund – $400.00; EMS Billing – $8,667.68; Road and Bridge – $34,183.95. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

The Trustees received:
• E-Mails re: “starting our 501©”;
• Economic Sustainability Commission meeting April 3rd;
• YS-Clifton Connector Resolution;
• April 10th Luncheon with YS Village Manager “Final Candidates”;
• Memo from House Rep. Perales re: 629 Grant Program;
• Minutes of 3/27 & 3/20 conference calls with MSA, USDA & Miami Township;
• Copy of Request for Qualifications: CM at Risk Contract;
• “Scope of Service” e-mails from MSA, Chris Widener, and Township;
• E-Mail re: MTFR Value Engineering Reference Materials;
• Notice from County Auditor re: Fire/EMS levy expiration in 2019;
• Meeting materials for March 19th RPCC meeting;
• Greene County Twp. Association March 12th meeting minutes;
• Cemetery Grant Program Update;
• E-Mails from OTARMA re: adding vehicle to policy;
• E-Mail from Bath Township Trustee Ross re: Fire-EMS Reporting;
• 2020 Census Participant Statistical Areas Program meeting April 19th;
• Request for Input re: new superintendent for YS Schools;
• January 15th Zoning Commission meeting minutes;
• MVRPC News Release re: Invitation to Comment on Census Boundaries;
• Fund Status, Revenue Status Appropriation Status for April 1st¸

Township resident Jennifer Adams stated she was seeking any information the Trustees may have regarding the solar project being pursued in Miami Township and parts of Greene County. Mr.Mucher stated the Trustees do not have any specific information to provide to her. He suggested she contact the Township’s Zoning Inspector, Richard Zopf. Mr.Hollister added the Ohio Farm Bureau may provide more information and that she should contact them.
Mrs. Adams stated she is uncomfortable with the project due to the lack of information the developers are sharing with property owners who may be impacted by their project.

Chief Altman reported there were 34 EMS and 13 fire incidents since the last meeting. Three fire safety inspections were conducted.
The Bath Township tanker has proven to be a little more challenging of a repair than originally thought but is now operational. Striping and radio installation is next.
At the recommendation of the Chief, a MOTION by Mr.Crockett and SECONDED by Mr.Hollister was made to adopt RESOLUTION 2019-13: Appointment of a new volunteer. MOTION CARRED unanimously.
Chief Altman reported that several MTFR members were Award Recipients from the State of Ohio’s General Assembly for their excellent service provided during a cardiac arrest call. The Kettering Health Network will present recognition to the same group at the May 6th meeting.
Lastly, the Department will burn the Natural Burial Area’s prairie grasses tomorrow night as part of their training exercises.

Mr.Mucher reported that a decision was made at the last meeting of USDA, MSA Architects and Miami Township to move from using one contractor to bid the entire job to a Construction Manager.
He added an architect from Kettering reached out to Miami Township and offered providing “a new set of eyes” to look at the drawings. His name is Tim Bennett. Mr.Mucher stated he met with him and he will be a paid consultant. In addition, the DWC Group has approached the Township and offered a review of the project. They explained the differences between a single prime method, a construction manager model and a construction manager agency. After considerable conversation amongst all parties concerned, the decision was made to hire the DWC Group as an additional services program.

Mr.Gochenouer reported there were two ashes internments since the last meeting. One was in Clifton and the other was in Glen Forest. Another burial is scheduled for next week in Glen Forest. He has cleaned up old flowers and planters in Glen Forest. Clifton Cemetery will be cleaned up as soon as the dumpster is emptied.
Mr.Mucher proposed hiring a tombstone restoration group to give attention to stones in Glen Forest Cemetery. It was agreed amongst the Trustees to contact the previously hired people and explore options with them.
Lastly, a conversation regarding a water leak at Gen Forest Cemetery resulted in an agreement to contact AC Service for an inspection.

A brief discussion regarding a catch basin on Tobias Road confirmed that water is flowing the expected direction and the existing catch basin will be moved to that location.
Mr.Mucher passed along a request to have the Grinnell Circle “circle” of grass and the Grinnell Mill be mowed. Mr.Gochenouer agreed to take care of the locations.
A MOTION by Mr.Hollister and SECONDED by Mr.Crockett was made to adopt RESOLUTION 2019-11: Authorizing contract with Greene County Engineer’s Collective Bid Contract. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

A MOTION by Mr.Crockett and SECONDED by Mr.Hollister was made to adopt RESOLUTION 2019-12: Amendment of Permanent Appropriations. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

Mr.Hollister reported that Mr.Zopf asked him to attend to the April 16th Zoning Commission meeting representing Township Trustees. Mr.Zopf asked him to provide more specific guidance in what the Trustees want to see with regard to amending the PUD Chapter.

No report.

Mr.Mucher reported he attended an organizational meeting for the creation of a CDIC – Community Development Investment Corporation. At this meeting, it was decided to ask each member/organization to contribute $500 towards building a financial foundation. A MOTION by Mr.Hollister and SECONDED by Mr.Crockett was made to authorize a $500 contribution towards the creation of a CDIC. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

There being no further business to discuss, a MOTION by Mr.Crockett and SECONDED by Mr.Hollister was made to ADJOURN. MOTION CARRIED unanimously. Time – 6:15 p.m.

Chairperson__________________________ Attest____________________________