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Miami Township Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes. November 19, 2018



The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Mucher.  Trustees Crockett and Hollister were also present.  Road Department Administrator Gochenouer, Zoning Inspector Zopf and Fiscal Officer Silliman were also present.

Attorney Laura Curliss and Agraria representative David Diamond were present.



A MOTION by Mr. Crockett and SECONDED by Mr.Mucher was made to adopt the minutes of November 5th as presented.  MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

A MOTION by Mr. Crockett and SECONDED by Mr.Mucher was made to adopt the minutes of November 14th as presented.  MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

A MOTION by Mr. Crockett and SECONDED by Mr.Mucher was made to adopt the minutes of November 26th as presented.  MOTON CARRIED unanimously.



A MOTION by Mr.Crockett and SECONDED by Mr.Mucher was made to pay accounts in the amount of $26,447.72: General Fund – $629.15; Fire Fund – $15,621.01; Cemetery Fund – $185.06; EMS Billing – $5,334.18; Road and Bridge – $3,129.26; Capital Project – $1,549.06  MOTION CARRIED unanimously.



Mr. David Diamond presented plans for a proposed bikepath from YSHS to Agraria.  A grant through Clean Ohio is being sought for funding of the project.  In order to enhance the probability of the grant being awarded, it would be beneficial if Miami Township agreed to accept ownership of a portion of the bikepath.  There were questions regarding who will be responsible for maintenance and details regarding construction thru privately held property.  The path is to be 4,000 feet long.  Mr. Diamond stated they will return with the completed application and Resolution for the Trustees’ consideration at a future meeting.



The Trustees received:

  • MTFR Annual Holiday party announcement;
  • OTARMA Election of Board Members;
  • OTA’s Newsletter “Grassroots Clippings”;
  • E-Mail from DMSink re: invoice;
  • E-Mail from County Prosecuting Attorney re: procurement policy;
  • E-Mail from MVRPC re: Introduction of 2 new Regional Profiles;
  • E-Mail from Greene County Health re: Board of Health vacancy;
  • E-Mails from B.Housh re: AT Plan meeting and YS DCIC meeting;
  • TLT Newsletter;
  • E-Mail re: Un-named Cemetery;
  • Ray Hensley Annual Christmas Party invite;
  • E-Mail from OTA re: 11/9 Legislative Alert;
  • E-Mail from YS Chamber re: 11/7 meeting;
  • Fund Status, Revenue Status and Appropriation Status for Nov. 19, 2018.




Chief Altman left a memo due to being unable to attend.  It stated that there were 21 EMS and 9 fire incidents since the last meeting.  Two fire safety inspections were conducted.

At the recommendation of the Chief, a MOTION by Mr.Hollister and SECONDED by Mr. Crockett was made to adopt RESOLUTION 2018-50: Appointment of volunteers.  MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

The Annual MTFR Holiday Party is December 16th.



Mr.Mucher reported that there has been a revision of the budget amount for the project.  Changes in the exterior materials of the building have been approved.  The revised plans will be taken to Greene County for a secondary review.  Advertising for bids, for a 3rd time, will begin January 16th.



Mr.Gochenouer reported there was 1 ashes internment since the last meeting.  He added there has been a considerable amount of time spent clearing branches after the recent ice storm.

The annual contract with Cedarview, LLC for cemetery maintenance was presented for authorization.  Mr.Hollister asked when was the last time the cemetery maintenance contract was put out for bid.  It was noted it had been since 2013.  He added he has no reason to believe the current contractor is not doing a good job.  He made the suggestion based on principal.  The Trustees agreed to postpone adoption of the contract for further review.



Mr. Gochenouer reported the first ice fall occurred and salt was applied.

Completion of the culvert job on Lamont Drive is scheduled for tomorrow.

Continuation of fallen branch removal is scheduled for Wednesday.



A MOTION by Mr.Hollister and SECONDED by Mr. Crockett was made to adopt RESOLUTION 2018-51: Amendment of Permanent Appropriations.  MOTION CARRIED unanimously.



Mr.Zopf reported there was not a recent meeting report on but, a meeting is scheduled for tomorrow night. Mr.Zopf added he is anxious to follow up on the status of the BZA’s membership.

At the recommendation of Mr.Hollister, a MOTION by Mr.Hollister and SECONDED by Mr. Crockett was made to appoint Barbara Krabec to complete the term of retiring BZA member Joe Staggs.  MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

At the recommendation of Mr.Mucher, a MOTION by Mr.Mucher and SECONDED by Mr. Crockett was made to appoint David Neuhart to complete the term of recently passed member Chuck Kimball.  MOTION CARRIED unanimously.





Economic Sustainability Committee – Mr. Crockett reported that the most recent meeting reviewed a list of economic positives and negatives that the Village has.  After considerable conversation on many subjects, one thing the Committee did feel was a good idea is to advertise on both east and west coasts.



Mr.Mucher reported that the “cemetery information” postcards have been mailed to the Township’s residents.

The Miami Township website has been upgraded and ready to “go live”.  Mr.Hollister suggested adding a financial page to the website and a link to the MTFR Annual report.  A MOTION by Mr.Mucher and SECONDED by Mr.Hollister was made to authorize the implementation of the new website.  MOTION CARRIED unanimously.



Mr.Mucher stated he is attending a meeting with the Greene County Commissioners to accept Miami Township’s portion of grant money on December 4th.  He added he is also scheduled to attend a meeting with the YS Village Council President and the Mayor of Clifton concerning the bike path connector.

Lastly, Mr.Mucher met with members of Village Council to discuss the establishment of a CIC.  The group would consist of 11 members; 40% elected official, 60% others.  Al meetings would be held publically.



There being no further business to discuss, a MOTION by Mr.Hollister and SECONDED by Mr. Crockett was made to ADJOUNR.  MOTION CARRIED unanimously.  Time – 8:30 p.m.


President______________________________   Attest___________________________________