MARCH 4, 2019
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Chairperson Mucher. Trustees Crockett and Hollister were also present. Fire Chief Altman, Road Administrator Gochenouer, Zoning Inspector Zopf and Fiscal Officer Silliman were also present.
Chairperson Mucher declared OPEN a Public Hearing regarding proposed amendments to the Township Zoning Code.
A MOTION by Mr.Hollister and SECONDED by Mr.Crockett was made to adopt the minutes of February 20th as presented. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
A MOTION by Mr.Hollister and SECONDED by Mr.Mucher was made to adopt the minutes of February 27th as presented. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
A MOTION by Mr.Crockett and SECONDED by Mr.Hollister was made to pay accounts in the amount of $31,252.50: General Fund – $4,802.35; Fire Fund – $15,797.26; Cemetery Fund – $657.20; EMS Billing – $6,591.80; Road and Bridge – $3,403.89. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
The Trustees received :
• “Dementia Friendly Yellow Springs” Celebration Breakfast;
• Annual District Advisory Council meeting announcement;
• League of Women Voters newsletter;
• Information letter from Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services;
• “Growing Local Solar: Community-based tools to enable solar development in Ohio” workshop announcement;
• “Growing Green: Regenerating Soil & Local Agricultural Economics” conference announcement;
• E-Mails from MVRPC re: National Association of Regional Councils, Meeting announcement for Greene Council MVRPC members, Executive Directors Update newsletter, Ohio Motor Fuel Tax and Sustainability Roundtable announcement;
• Ohio Cemetery Association’s Conference agenda;
• Notices from Ohio Auditor re: completion of requirements for filing annual financial reports for Clifton Cemetery and Miami Township;
• E-Mail from RPCC Executive Committee re: Clarification on Comp Plan Scoping” and “Preparing for the 2010 Census” booklet;
• Bobcat Loader pricing;
• 2/29/19 Meeting Minutes submitted by MSA;
• Letter from retired RPCC Director Ken LeBlanc;
• Letter from YS Chamber of Commerce;
• Thank You from Home, Inc.;
• E-Mail re: Glen Forest Cemetery’s Natural Burial Cemetery;
• Fund Status, Revenue Status and Appropriation Status for March 4, 2019.
Chief Altman reported there were 28 EMS and13 fire calls since the last meeting. Six of the calls were in Bath Township. Two fire safety inspections were conducted.
Regarding the recent concerns about the MTFR’s Assistant Fire Chief that were expressed by a citizen, Chief Altman reported he found no violations of Department policies or conduct issues. He added he believes strongly that our members provide exceptional and high quality care. There have been no complaints from emergency room hospital staff regarding MTFR’s patient care.
Mr.Mucher asked how the new supervisory position selection process is going. Chief Altman stated it is moving along on schedule.
Mr.Hollister expressed interest in seeing a report that compares salary pay scales of local EMS Departments. The Chief stated he can provide that to him.
Chief Altman reminded the Trustees he will be on vacation March 19th-27th.
Mr.Mucher reported there was a bid opening last Wednesday. He reported, unfortunately, that the lowest bid was 21% over the acceptable amount. Another review of construction costs is needed.
Mr.Gochenouer reported there were 3 burials in Glen Forest Cemetery since the last meeting. One full burial in Clifton and one ashes internment are pending.
Mr.Gochenouer asked Chief Altman to do a controlled burn of the Natural Burial area this spring. Chief Altman agreed to do so.
Mr.Gochenouer reported he has spent the majority of the past two weeks plowing snow, salting roads and filling potholes.
Fiscal Officer Silliman reported receiving a phone call from a local resident who expressed concern regarding a property on Hyde Road that has many trees that are close to the road and are leaning. She felt it was a hazardous situation. She asked that the “leaning” trees be removed before they fall onto the road. Ms. Silliman explained that the Township cannot remove trees on private property. The property owner will be notified.
Mr.Mucher reported that an increase in gas taxes has been proposed by newly elected Governor DeWine. If it passes, Miami Township could receive an increase of up to $90,000 in gas tax revenues.
A MOTION by Mr.Hollister and SECONDED by Mr.Crockett was made to adopt RESOLUTION 2019-09: Amendment of Temporary Appropriations. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
Mr.Zopf reported he issued one permit since the last report for a new house to be built on Harbison Road. He added he had a conversation with a Fairfield Pike property owner who wanted to know his options for the property.
Mr.Zopf reported the changes recommended by the Zoning Commission to the Township’s Zoning Code as follows: delete Chapters R-2, R-3 and the PUD District Chapter. Mr.Zopf explained the reason for the recommendation to remove the PUD District Chapter was primarily because a PUD would be a direct contradiction to the Township’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The Plan’s main intention is to preserve the agricultural purpose of the Township land. Mr.Hollister stated there is an advantage to having an alternative to traditional single housing options. He added that instead of all drive ways, allow smaller plots to be developed. Mr.Zopf responded that roads would still have to be built. Mr.Mucher asked why the Zoning Commission is so concerned with development. Mr.Zopf replied the Commission is keeping the intent of the Plan intact.
Mr.Mucher stated the Regional Planning Commission of Greene County approved the removal of Chapters R-2 and R-3. A compromise was offered regarding the PUD District Chapter. It was suggested to keep the PUD Chapter but modify it by removing the industrial and business sections of the Chapter.
A MOTION by Mr.Mucher and SECONDED by Mr.Hollister was made to accept the removal of Chapters R-2 and R-3 and leave the PUD District and amend it. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
There being no further comments on the subject, Mr.Mucher CLOSED the Public Hearing at 6:15 P.M.
No report.
No report.
There being no further business to discuss, a MOTION by Mr.Crockett and SECONDED by Mr.Hollister was made to ADJOURN. MOTION CARRIED unanimously. Time – 6:20 p.m.
Chairperson_________________________________________ Attest_____________________________________