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October 21, 2019



OCTOBER 21, 2019

The meeting is called to order at 5:00 pm. by Chairperson Mucher. Trustee Hollister was also present. Fire Chief Altman, Road Department employee Gochenouer and Fiscal Officer Silliman was also present.
YS News reporter Carol Simons was visiting.

A MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Mr. Mucher was made to adopt the minutes of October 7th as presented. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

A MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Mr. Mucher was made to pay accounts in the amount of $76,727.59: General Fund – $2,441.70; Fire Fund – $14,906.49; Cemetery – $276.60; EMS Billing – $7,424.08; Road and Bridge – $1,813.72. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

The Trustees received:
• Restricted Appraisal report for 225 Corry Street;
• The 33rd Annual Miami Valley Planning & Zoning Workshop December 6th;
• Notice of Furnishing from Jay-Car Construction;
• Request from RPCC for committing $1,250 towards funding the Countywide Trails Master Plan;
• E-Mail from Mr. Mucher to Brad Ruwe ere: Bond Anticipation Note;
• E-Mails to and from Burnham & Flower re: Builders Risk policy;
• Fund Status, Revenue Status and Appropriation Status reports for 10/21/19.

Chief Altman reported there were 35 EMS and 19 Fire Incidents since the last meeting. 26 Fire Safety inspections were conducted largely due to Street Fair food vendors.
In membership baby news, Captain Ayers and his wife welcomed a new baby last Thursday. Per policy, he is entitled to 5 sick leave shifts off. Lt. Wendt and his wife are expecting to deliver November 7th. He will be taking 5 shifts off as well. The need to fill these uncommon absences will cause some extra costs in payroll.
Chief Altman contacted the County Auditor’s office to determine what level funding a renewal vs. a replacement of our operating levy would generate. Auditor Graham recommended staying with the renewal and if additional revenue is deemed necessary down the road, then add an additional levy. Chief Altman stated he agreed with this recommendation and will watch income closely during the next levy period. A Levy Table provided by the Auditor’s office was provided.

Mr. Mucher reported that the drilling of Geopiers is currently occurring.
Stormwater detention/retention has been designed to prevent any encroachment on to any neighboring properties.
Mr. Gochenouer reported there was a burial this past Saturday and an ashes internment is scheduled for tomorrow. He is continuing to work on the project of installing bases. The restoration folks repaired approximately 43 gravestones last week.
The driveway of Clifton Cemetery has not been chip sealed yet due to a misunderstanding of the approval of the project. Mr. Gochenouer has spoken with all parties concern and the job should be done very soon.

Since the contracted road maintenance projects are now complete, Mr. Gochenouer reported he is pleased with the results.
Mr. Mucher asked what the status of road salt supply is. Mr. Gochenouer stated it is ok for now and more can be purchased when necessary.
Mr. Gochenouer stated the truck needs new tires and will purchase them. This is all the vehicle needs in preparation of the winter weather.
Lastly, he stated he needs to take this Friday off due to a doctor’s appointment.

A MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Mr. Mucher was made to adopt RESOLUTION 2019-40: Amendment of a Permanent Appropriation. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

In a related zoning project, Mr. Mucher reported that the Greene County Parks & Trails organization and the Greene County Regional Planning & Coordinating Commission are working jointly working to update the County’s Land Use Comprehensive Plan. They are asking local jurisdictions within Greene County to each contribute $1,250 towards the cost of this project. That being reported, a MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Mr.Mucher was made to authorize the requested contribution amount of $1,250 to the project. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

MVRPC – There was no meeting in October. Sadly, Mr. Mucher reported that John Beales, Chair of the MVRPC Commission passed away unexpectedly earlier this morning.
Greene County RPCC and Executive Committee – Mr. Mucher reported both meetings were held this morning. These meetings included work on adopting their budget, discussion on long term plan and reviewing work on Trails Plan.
YSCDC – It was reported that the organization is considering changing its name.
Adoption of draft code of regulations by all political subdivisions in this group is required. A MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Mr. Mucher was made to adopt RESOLUTION 2019-41: Accept the proposed code of regulations. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
Complete Census Committee – Mr. Hollister reported the Census group is hiring and Xenia is planning to hire 450 people.

Mr. Hollister added he has accepted the position of the Miami Township representative for the Greene County Waste District Policy Committee.

No report.

No report.

There being no further business to discuss, a MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Mr. Mucher was made to ADJOURN. MOTION CARRIED unanimously. Time – 6:10 pm.

Chairperson_________________________ Attest__________________________