The meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm by Chairperson Mucher. Trustees Hollister and Moir were present. Fire Chief Altman, Road Department employee Gochenouer and Fiscal Officer Silliman were also in attendance.
Chairperson Mucher declared OPEN a Public Hearing regarding a proposed change in the Township’s Zoning Code’s PUD section.
A MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Ms. Moir was made to adopt the minutes of August 15th. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
A MOTION by Ms. Moir and SECONDED by Mr. Hollister was made to adopt the minutes of September 15th as amended. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
A MOTION by Ms. Moir and SECONDED by Mr. Hollister was made to pay accounts in the amount of $130,919.94: General Fund – $9,917.68; Fire Fund – $38,461.79; Cemetery Fund – $1,373.18; Road and Bridge – $75,917.60; EMS Billing – $5,249.68. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
The Trustees received:
- WORLD DIGITAL offering printing & Mailing for campaign;
- Grinnell Mill update;
- Auditor of State Public Records Training;
- Update from the Deputy Secretary on the Status of Treasury’s Recovery Program Operations;
- Culture Works Arts & Culture 2022-23 Guide magazine;
- Thank you from Buckeye Search and Rescue Dogs;
- OTA’s October Grassroots Clippings;
- Safety Training opportunity from Greene County Engineer;
- RPCC Executive Committee’s September 20th meeting note;
- Fund Status, Revenue Status and Appropriation Status reports for 10/3/2022.
Chief Altman reported there were 36 EMS incidents (2 in Bath Twp.) and 10 Fire incidents (1 in Bath Twp.) since the last report. He added there have been 7 calls thus far on this day. He added that he hopes that Medic 81 will be back from its repair work on Friday.
A MOTION by Ms. Moir and SECONDED by Mr. Hollister was made to adopt RESOLUTION 2022-36: Appointment of Medical Director. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
A live fire training was hosted by Xenia Township Fire Department. Seven MTFR employees attended with 4 of them being new firefighters.
Chief Altman informed the Trustees that the cost of the County’s 9-1-1 Dispatch is being proposed to increase and it is a large increase. He expressed concern that nearly half of the County’s Fire Chiefs were not invited to the conversation. He urged the Trustees to address this issue with the County.
Mr. Gochenouer reported there were no burials since the last report. He stated he will be working in the Oak Grove area this coming week. He added next on his list is to start digging and pouring bases soon.
Mr. Mucher stated the Grave Groomers did an excellent job. He added that employee Morris did a nice job in Clifton Cemetery.
Mr. Mucher asked for an update on the expected arrival time for the new truck. Mr. Gochenouer stated it is still in the building process.
A MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Ms. Moir was made to adopt RESOLUTION 2022-37: Amendment of Permanent Appropriations. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
Trustee Moir hoped that Mr. Zopf was present at tonight’s meeting to participate in a conversation regarding Agraria requesting an agri-tourism permit. This conversation was tabled until Mr. Zopf is present.
On the matter of the amendment to the Zoning Code’s PUD Section, the Public Hearing was declared Closed.
A MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Ms. Moir was made to approve of the changes to Section 13 – PUD. After further discussion and review of the changes, Mr. Hollister rescinded his Motion.
A MOTION by Ms. Moir and SECONDED by Mr. Hollister was made to continue the discussion at the next Trustee meeting October 17th. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
It was reported that the recently held joint meeting of the Township Trustees, YS School Board and Village Council went well.
A draft of the Room Usage Guidelines was presented. The Trustees discussed the need for clarification on when a deposit should be acquired. This conversation was to be continued at the next meeting.
There being no further business to discuss, a MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Ms. Moir was made to Adjourn. MOTION CARRIED unanimously. Time – 6:00 pm.
Chairperson_________________________________ Attest_______________________________