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June 27, 2022



JUNE 27, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Chairperson Mucher. Trustee Hollister, Fire Chief Altman and Road Department employee Gochenouer were present.
Also in attendance was Green Township Trustees Brian Clem and Tom Waddle, YS Chamber President Mark Heist, MTFR members Payton Cooper, Mark Murphy, Nathaniel Ayers, Justin Turner, Nick Miller-Jacobson, Ted Wasserman and Georgia Goad and YS News reporter Jessica Thomas.

At the request of the Fiscal Officer, adoption of the June 6th minutes is tabled due to being incomplete at meeting time.

A MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Mr. Mucher was made to pay accounts in the amount of $86,580.32: General – $2,382.43; Fire – $30,967.74; Cemetery – $828.93; EMS Billing – $2,630.03; Road and Bridge – $49,771.03. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

The Trustees received:
• U.S. Department of treasury’s release of Equity & Outcomes Resource Guide;
• Ohio Connects from Office of Budget & Management;
• YS Senior Housing Listening Session Friday 6/24;
• E-Mail from Lee Slone re: Kingwood Solar – Filed Briefs;
• Save the Date July 22nd canoe trip;
• OPERS In-person Seminar “Ready to Retire” dates;
• Columbarium delivery date;
• OTARMA Update newsletter;
• ODD Fellows Fireworks Fund request;
• July 12th GCTA mtg. announcement;
• 62.5 cents/mile reimbursement for travel expenses;
• Virtual Certified Public Records Training registration;
• Planning Official Training Session 7 reminder;
• Fund Status, Revenue Status and Appropriation Status reports for 6/27/22.

No comments were made.

Chief Altman reported there were 42 EMS and 23 Fire calls were made since the last meeting. A couple incidents worthy of mentioning was a gas line was struck in the YS Brewery parking lot and the Department’s brush truck was side swiped. Both incidents were resolved without further problems.
Mr. Mucher asked if the preparation for the July 4th Fireworks is any different than in past years. Chief Altman stated that there is a new State law increasing safety. MTFR will be adding a couple extra staff members.
Chief Altman began a discussion regarding the upcoming potential levy. He stated this levy’s single purpose is to fund personnel in the station, salary increases, medical coverage, Worker’s Comp benefits and all cost associated with employment.
The Chief added that the first Levy was approved in 1996 when the Department had 2 full-time employees and 60 volunteers. That staff picture has drastically changed since then. He added that when he first started employment with MTFR, there was 502 calls that year. This past year the Department responded to 1,300 calls.
Chairperson Mucher stated that the Trustees and MTFR have tried to do the best they could to provide emergency fire and medical services to the residents of the Township. The need to pass this levy is critical to the ability to continue as the Department has for many years.
There was conversation about how many people are on duty during a shift. Chief Altman stated he would love to have 4-5 people on shift but the current 3 per shift is the most that funds allow at this time. One factor that affects the type of service MTFR frequently provides is that the population is largely over 55 years old.
Longtime MTFR member Ted Wasserman asked how much more money would be needed to provide for more staff per shift. Trustees Mucher and Hollister both expressed concern that the levy could possible not pass as it stands. Increasing the amount of money the levy is asking for would possibly make it even harder to pass the levy. Therefore, neither of them are willing to consider increasing the millage at this time.
A MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Mr. Mucher was made to authorize RESOLUTION 2022-25: Resolution of Necessity – 3.5 mil Levy. MOTION CARRIED unanimously. Mr. Hollister added that Trustee Moir, despite her absence at his meeting, has worked hard on the process to bring this levy to fruition and is very supportive of this effort.

Mr. Gochenouer reported there were 3 burials since the last report. He added that the columbariums have been delivered and they look nice. Mr. Mucher agreed that they look good but he feels there is an imbalance. He suggested that a 3rd Columbarium be purchased. Additionally, he stated the Trustees need to determine what to charge per space in the columbariums. Mr. Hollister suggested this conversation be tabled until Ms. Moir is present.
Green Township Trustees Brian Clem and Tom Waddle announced that their Township’s Fire/EMS Department has moved to utilize County dispatching. This change will remove MTFR from responding to calls to the northern area of Clifton. Therefore, Trustees Clem and Waddle amicably announced they are terminating the contract with MTFR providing services.
Lastly, Mr. Mucher announced he has initiated the creation of a Miami Township Cemetery website. The work will be done by the Township’s website designer.

Mr. Mucher stated the recent road chip sealing work looks good. Mr. Gochenouer agreed.
It was mentioned that a road sign is missing from the corner of Wilberforce Clifton and Larkins Road. Mr. Gochenouer stated he would make a call in the morning to replace the missing sign.
Mr. Mucher announced the passing of longtime Miami Township Road Department employee John Finn.

A MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Mr. Mucher was made to adopt RESOLUTION 2022-24: Amendment of Permanent Appropriations. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

Mr. Zopf was not present at this meeting but Mr. Mucher suggested that the Commission consider reviewing the Township’s Comprehensive Plan given it is 10 years old.

MVRPC – No report.
Greene County RPCC – Mr. Mucher reported that the Commission met and are working on finishing the last touches on the 2020 Land Use Plan.
Clifton-Union Cemetery – Mr. Hollister reported that there are 2 people interested in serving on the Board’s vacant position.
YS Community Development Corporation – Mr. Hollister reported the tax group is reviewing the levies the community is considering and the timing over the next 5 years.
Grinnell Mill – The agreement to transfer the Mill’s operations to The Glen will be signed this Friday.
One Ohio Opioid Foundation – Mr. Mucher reported the group had a fundamental work session last week to begin to consider how to spend $470 million.

A MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Mr. Mucher was made to authorize a $500 contribution to the YS Odd Fellows towards the Annual Fireworks display.
YS Chamber President Mark Heist informed the Trustees that the cost of fireworks has dramatically increased from $6,000 to $10,000. Mr. Hollister proposed to amend the Motion and increase the contribution amount to $750. The amended MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

No report.

There being no further business to discuss, the Trustees unanimously Agreed to Adjourn. Time – 6: 54 pm.

Chairperson ________________________________ Attest_______________________________