JUNE 6, 2022
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Chairperson Mucher. Trustees Hollister and Moir were present. Fire Chief Altman, Zoning Inspector Zopf and Fiscal Officer Silliman were also present.
Audience members included Alex Klug/Agraria’s land director, Agraria neighbor Gary Shorter, Mark Heise/President of the YS chamber of Commerce, Darion Smith, Steve Wirrig, BZA member Amy Achor and YS News reporter Reilly Dixon.
MTFR members Charles Kline and Georgia Goad were present.
A MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Ms. Moir was made to adopt the minutes of May 16th as presented. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
A MOTION by Ms. Moir and SECONDED by Mr. Hollister was made to pay accounts in the amount of $244,578.82: General Fund – $8,672.26; Fire Fund – $61,692.47; Cemetery – $6,6164.94; EMS Billing – $5,350.36; Road and Bridge – $5,388.79; Bond Retirement – $157,310.00. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
The Trustees received:
• Tecumseh Land Trust invitation June 5th;
• Ohio BWC Employer Update Webinar;
• CDC Workplace Toxic Hazards Study;
• OPWC Round 37 County Application due date;
• Greene County Leadership Float July 22nd;
• County Auditor request for Certificate of Benefits;
• Contact with Mr. Sutton re: cemetery project;
• June 2022 Grassroots Clippings Newsletter;
• OTA’s May 20th & May 27th Legislative Alerts;
• Contact Request for Ohio Twp. Association;
• E-Mail re: dead tree limb on Jacoby Road;
• Greene County Development reminding ARPA grant;
• Greene County Board of Health June 2nd mtg announcement;
• Request to join SAFE Cities movement to phase out fossil fuels;
• MVRPC’s Board of Directors June 2nd Mtg.;
• Real Wood Signs update on completion of request;
• Auditor of State re: invoice;
• OPERS Voluntary Life Insurance Open Enrollment;
• STAR Ohio new investment document available;
• Client Consent Form for Legal Representation;
• 2nd Annual Anti-Racism Event June 4th;
• Bylaws of BZA and Zoning Commission discussion;
• Fund Status, Revenue Status and Appropriation Status for 6/6/22.
Chief Altman reported there were 61 EMS calls and 35 Fire calls (11 in Bath Twp.) since the last meeting. A single car rollover, a building fire in Pitchin and a Clifton Gorge water rescue, which resulted in 2 coyotes being rescued, are examples of calls that were responded to.
A MOTION by Ms. Moir and SECONDED by Mr. Hollister was made to adopt RESOLUTION 2022-22: Hiring of a Part-Time employee. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
A MOTION by Ms. Moir and SECONDED by Mr. Hollister was made to authorize RESOLUTION 2022-23: Hiring of a volunteer Antioch student. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
Lastly, Chief Altman stated he will be on vacation June 10th – June 20th.
On another matter, Mr. Hollister reported he visited the Clifton Fire Station with Mayor Bieri. He stated there are 3 communities that are working together to find a reuse of the building.
Paramedic/EMT Georgia Goad introduced herself. She has been with the Department almost 4 years and has been residing in the area for 30 years. Ms. Goad added she is very happy with her position at MTFR and considers several of her co-workers good friends. The Trustees thanked her for her contribution to the Department.
Mr. Mucher reported that the Oak Grove Cemetery Addition is nearly complete.
On behalf of Mr. Gochenouer, Mr. Mucher reported the roadsides are inundated with high grass growth which will keep the road department employees very busy in the coming weeks.
The new road department truck has been delivered.
Mr. Zopf reported he issued 3 permits since the last report. The next Zoning Commission meeting will be in the 3rd week of June.
Just for informational purposes, Mr. Zopf mentioned that poison hemlock is prolific this year and will pose extra work for farmers.
Audience member Steve Wirrig commented on the recent BZA hearing and firmly declared that no BZA members were attacked. He applauded Mr. Silliman for his chairing of the meeting. Mr. Wirrig added there was a moment when BZA member Barbara Krabec made some comments and that “multiple” people asked that she excuse herself. She apologized for her inappropriate comments. Mr. Wirrig requested if he requests a variance in the future re: an activity at the Wirrig Pavilion, that Ms. Krabec be recused from that hearing.
Mr. Wirrig stated he felt Zoning Inspector Zopf should not have been permitted to attend the hearing due to his bias. Mr. Wirrig added he feels there should be no public comment by Township representatives prior to the hearing.
Mr. Wirrig questioned the process for appointing people to the BZA. He added he is not aware of any public notification announcing a vacancy on the BZA. Mr. Mucher stated that when a vacancy occurred in the past, he sent a mailing to all Township residences announcing the need for a person to serve and received no responses. He added there have been notices in the YS News as well when there is a vacancy in any of the Township’s Commissions or Boards. The response is minimal to zero.
Mr. Wirrig stated he is exhausted by the seemingly biased approach to decisions made by the BZA re: the Wirrig Pavilion.
Trustee Moir stated she is working to add information about the purpose and function of the BZA to the Township’s website.
Alex Klug, Agraria’s outreach director and land manager, shared a map of Agraria that included trails, woods, possible location of a compost area and property boundaries. Ms. Klug offered her availability should anyone have any questions for her and thanked the Trustees for their time.
A MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Ms. Moir was made to Adjourn. MOTION CARRIED unanimously. Time – 6:40 pm.
Chairperson_________________________ Attest___________________________________