MAY 18, 2020
The meeting was to order at 5:05 pm by Chairperson Mucher. Trustees Hollister and Crockett were also present. Fire Chief Altman, Road Department employee Gochenouer and Fiscal Officer Silliman were present.
YS News reporter Carol Simmons was in attendance.
The Minutes of the May 4th meeting will be presented at the next meeting, June 1st.
A MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Mr. Crockett was made to pay accounts in the amount of $408,708.22: General Fund – $3,293.66; Fire Fund – $13,930.56; Cemetery Fund – $959.77; EMS Billing – $9,675.62; Road and Bridge Funds – $2,637.61; Capital Fund – #378,211.00. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
The Trustees received:
• TLT Spring newsletter;
• Ohio Township News magazine;
• OTA’s newsletter “Grassroots Clippings”;
• Updated spreadsheet with comments re: fire station purchase;
• Info from Chief Altman re: Social media complaint;
• Information from Steve Ross re: cloth masks and OTA Legislative Alert for May 1st;
• Greene County Public Health meeting agenda and monthly activity report; Community Health Assessment;
• MVRPC Board of Directors meeting reminder and agenda;
• RPCC Executive Committee meeting reminder;
• Fund Status & Revenue Status reports for May 18, 2020.
Chief Altman reported there were 26 EMS incidents (1 in Bath Twp.), 14 Fire incidents (5 in Bath Twp.) and 25 fire safety inspections.
Volunteer Ben Timmester (and Antioch student) has passed his National Registry exam and is MTFR’s newest EMT.
The LUCAS CPR device purchased by Bath Township has been received and is now in service on Medic 81.
Chief Altman reported that the Department’s EMS incident volume is down approximately 25-30% which is consistent with statewide averages. This will obviously affect the EMS billing revenues.
Lastly, Chief Altman reported the he and Assistant Chief Powell will be re-evaluating the Department’s COVID-19 precautions on June 1st. He anticipates there will be a gradual lessening of certain restrictions.
A MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Mr. Crockett was made to adopt RESOLUTION 2020-25: Nick Miller-Jacobson Promotion. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
Lastly, Mr. Hollister thanked Chief Altman for all his time he has put in with regards to the COVID-19 situation.
Mr. Mucher reported the building has reached the point of being secured and locked. The roof installation on the administrative side of the building has been completed. It is hoped that the building will have permanent power by the end of the week.
All inspections that have been performed so far have done well with very minor problems, if any.
Mr. Gochenouer reported there have been 2 ashes internments, both in Clifton, since the last meeting. He added weed eating has been done in Clifton. He hopes to get bases poured this week.
It was stated he plans to pick up branches and remove old flowers tomorrow. He will also do some work on the Scattering Area.
Lastly, he reported the new mower has “been broken in” and works great.
A MOTION by Mr. Crockett and SECONDED by Mr. Hollister was made to adopt RESOLUTION 2020-23: Agreement with Greene County Engineer. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
The mowing of berms is next on the list for road maintenance.
A MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Mr. Crockett was made to adopt RESOLUTION 2020-24: Amendment of Permanent Appropriations. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
MVRPC/Executive Committee/Board of Directors – Mr. Mucher reported there were many motions made in approving a new budget and a new work plan.
RPCC – Mr. Mucher reported the Commission will meet in Executive Session tomorrow.
Clifton Cemetery – Mr. Hollister reported that the Cemetery Board met and agreed to bill Miami and Green Township for half of the 2019 maintenance bill. That means each Township will pay a quarter of the total. This action was made due to the Cemetery’s current bank balance is adequate to meet the needs of the Cemetery. This action may change in the future.
YSCDC – It was reported that there has been a handful of things the YSCDC has been busy with in response to the pandemic. They are coordinating the use of $35,000 from the Village’s Revolving Loan Fund to aid local businesses.
Complete Census Committee – Mr. Hollister reported that Townships overall have a very low turnout in participation. However, currently Miami Township is reported to have a 70% participation rate.
Solid Waste Committee – Mr. Hollister reported the 3 year plan was submitted and passed the first hurdle in the review process.
No report.
A MOTION by Mr. Mucher and SECONDED by Mr. Crockett was made to move into Executive Session to discuss matters of Real Estate. MOTION CARRIED unanimously. Time – 6:05 pm.
Following discussion regarding matters of Real Estate, the Trustees agreed to adjourn Executive Session and return to Regular Session. Time –
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was Adjourned. Time –