Miami Township Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
June 19, 2018
Call to Order: F. Legge at 7:00 pm
Roll Call: F. Legge, D. Amstutz, B. Corry, L. Parsons, R. Zopf, C. Ham-minutes taker
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes: A motion to approve were B. Corry, & L. Parsons seconding, all accepted
Announcement: Sharon Bailey, a former board member, recently passed away.
Also, R. Zopf told the board of a couple of issues before the Ohio State Legislation. 1. a mandate that municipalities may have to extend utilities into the township. 2. may allow residential to keep small livestock.
Agenda Review: Discussing sections 8, 9, 13 in the residential section of the zoning plan.
Old Business: B. Corry moved to go ahead & take out the PUD section of the zoning plan-section 13. He moved to have a public meeting about removing this section with L. Parsons seconding. All accepted. Motion approved. L. Parsons moved to removed sections 8 & 9 at the same public meeting. D. Amstutz seconded with all approving. That motion was also approved.
New Business: After public meeting, discuss R-1B of the zoning plan.
Announcements & Future Agenda Planning: A public meeting will be held on July 17, 2018 in our same location unless moved later.
The Agenda for the next meeting will be:
Call to order
Roll call
Approval of previous meeting minutes
Agenda review
Old business
New business
Announcements & Future Agenda Planning
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:59 pm with L. Parsons moving to adjourn &
D. Amstutz seconding.