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    Board of Trustees Mtg 

  • 5:00 pm 6:00 pm, February 3, 2025
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  • 7:00 pm 8:00 pm, February 18, 2025
    Zoning Commission 

  • 5:00 pm 6:00 pm, February 19, 2025
    Board of Trustees Mtg 

  • 5:00 pm 6:00 pm, March 3, 2025
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  • 7:00 pm 8:00 pm, March 17, 2025
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  • 7:00 pm 8:00 pm, March 18, 2025
    Zoning Commission 

  • 5:00 pm 6:00 pm, April 7, 2025
    Board of Trustees Mtg 

February 23, 2022



The meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm by Chairperson Mucher. Trustees Hollister and Moir were present.  Road Department Supervisor Gochenouer and Fiscal Officer Silliman were also present.

Village of Clifton Mayor Alex Bieri was in attendance.


A MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Ms. Moir was made to adopt the minutes of February 7th as amended.  MOTION CARRIED unanimously.


A MOTION by Ms. Moir and SECONDED by Mr. Hollister was made to pay accounts in them amount of $50,980.00:General Fund – $9,311.45: Fire Fund – $32,1112.48; Cemetery – $299.15; EMS Billing – $6,292.13; Road and Bridge – $5,9645.79. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.


Chief Altman was not able to attend this meeting.  Chairperson Mucher read aloud the Chief’s bi-weekly memo.

There were 38 EMS incidents (1 in Bath Twp.) and 11 Fire incidents (2 in Bath Twp.).

MTFR’s newly hired Lieutenant Kline started work last Wednesday.  He will be cleared for full duty starting February 28th and will move to his full shift schedule then.

Following a lengthy review period, all sections and chapters of our standard operating procedures manual have been updated.

Lastly, the Stair Climb has been scheduled for Saturday, September 10th at UD Arena.


Mr. Gochenouer reported there was 1 burial in Glen Forest.  A second one will occur this coming Friday or Saturday.  An ashes internment is scheduled for the 18th.  Late winter/early spring grounds clean up is happening.

Mr. Mucher suggested reaching out to the Grave Groomers to see if they are available.

There was brief discussion regarding a fence that needs to be moved on the New Glen Forest Cemetery’s north property line.


Mr. Gochenouer and the Trustees discussed the annual road tour that recently occurred.  As a result, a MOTION by Ms. Moir and SECONDED by Mr. Hollister was made to participate in the County Engineer’s Collective Bid for various Township road repairs including overlay on John Bryan Road.  MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

Lastly, Mr. Gochenouer told the Trustees that,  in the long existing cooperative spirit of helping neighboring Townships,  he has committed to helping Bath Township “clean out” a small ditch next week.


A MOTION by Ms. Moir and SECONDED was made to adopt RESOLUTION 2022-10: Authorizing Amendments to Temporary Appropriations.  MOTION CARRIED unanimously.


MVRPC – Mr. Mucher stated there was no meeting this past month.

RPCC – Mr. Mucher announced that the Commission is planning seminar that starts April 20th and encourages all interested parties to participate.  He added that there was conversation regarding county-wide broad-banding.

Clifton-Union Cemetery – No report.

YSDC – Mr. Hollister reported that Commission met recently and are scheduled to meet again next week.

Grinnell Mill – Mr. Mucher reported that the roof repair has been completed.  A new lease for operation of The Mill is being drafted with Glen Helen being the operator.

YS Climate Action & Sustainability Group – No report.


Mr. Hollister stated it was suggested by the Greene County Township Association that Cedarville, Miami and Xenia Townships co-host the annual meeting at the new Fire Station.  The Trustees agreed further investigate the possibility.

Mr. Hollister updated the Trustees regarding the OPSB hearing status stating that the formal hearing is now scheduled to start March 8th.

Mr. Mucher reported that the Greene County Development Officer reported that the County is scheduled to provide the accessibility of broadband fiber-optics to 9,600 residents.

A MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Ms. Moir was made to Adjourn Regular Session and Move into Executive Session to discuss matters of hiring Personnel.  MOTION CARRIED unanimously.  Time – 6:25 pm.


Following discussion regarding matters of Personnel, the Trustees unanimously Agreed to Adjourn.  Time – 6:40 pm.