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September 9, 2020




The meeting was called to order at 5:05 pm. by Chairperson Mucher. Trustees Hollister and Crockett were also present. Fire Chief Altman, Road Department employee Gochenouer, Zoning Inspector Zopf and Fiscal Officer Silliman were also present.
Audience members YS Village Manager Josue Salmeron, YS Village Zoning Manager Denise Swinger, YS News editor Megan Bachman and George Oberer and Greg Smith – Oberer were present.

A MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Mr. Mucher was made to adopt the minutes of August 17th as amended. MOTION CARRIED 2-0-1(Crockett abstained).

A MOTION by Mr. Crockett and SECONDED by Mr. Hollister was made to pay accounts in the amount of $86,344.86: General Fund – $4,900.78; Fire Fund – $20,035.37; Cemetery Fund – $4,829.51; EMS Billing – $8,995.46; Road and Bridge – $39,173.74; Capital Fund – $$8,410.00. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

A discussion regarding the proposed annexation of 33 acres by the Village was held. Village Manager Salmeron described the project to be a mutual benefit to the Township and the Village. This property will have single family and duplex housing units built on it.
Township Zoning Inspector Zopf asked if the annexation will include all of Spillan and Hyde Roads. It was stated that all of Spillan will stay in the Village and all of Hyde will stay in the Township. This part of the arrangement was satisfactory to all concerned parties.
Mr. Hollister expressed concern that reviewing details at this meeting may slow things down a bit and suggested a meeting specifically for this purpose. All concerned agreed to meet outside of the Township Trustees meeting for more detailed conversations. Village Manager Salmeron will draft a Resolution Agreement.

The Trustees received:
• Auditor of State 2019-2018 Audit Report;
• RPCC Executive Committee’s August 18th meeting announcement;
• E-Mail re: private street establishment in the Township;
• Greene County Master Trails Plan public survey;
• WIFI YS/MT conversation from YS Community Foundation;
• YSDC request for extension on “Option to Purchase” old fire station;
• E-Mail requesting assistance in getting trees cut on Northwood Drive facing Polecat Road;
• Notice of CARES Act’s second distribution;
• TLT’s on-line auction and virtual celebration notice;
• OTA’s Legislative Alert for August 28th & September 4th;
• GCTA August 18th meeting minutes;
• Confirmation SAM Registration submitted;
• E-Mail re: Truck traffic restriction signage on US 68;
• Medicount Management Semi-Annual Report;
• RPCC August 25th meeting announcement & materials;
• League of Women Voters newsletter;
• E-Mails re: Change orders for fire station;
• Firehouse Funding as of August 17th;
• E-Mail from DDNews Reporter re: MVRPC Resolution discussion;
• Family Violence Prevention declaration October/National Domestic Violence Awareness Month;
• Fund Status, Revenue Status and Appropriation Status reports for 9/9/20.

Chief Altman reported there were 54 EMS incidents (9 in Bath Township) and 14 Fire incidents (3 in Bath Township) since the last meeting.
At the recommendation of the Chief, a MOTION by Mr. Crockett and SECONDED by Mr. Hollister was made to authorize RESOLUTION 2020-35: Appointing Nicole Terrell to a part-time Firefighter/EMT position. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
It was reported that any surplus equipment with a value of less than $2,500 can be sold by resolution after the Township finds there is no public use of said property. These items can be sold by private sale without public notification.
Chief Altman reported it is highly likely that MTFR’s paramedics will be detailed to assist public health with the mass delivery of flu vaccines, and eventually, COVID-10 vaccines. This was last done 10+ years ago during the H1N1 pandemic, and 3 of our paramedics vaccinated 400 residents.
All MTFR members are required to receive a seasonal flu vaccine. In the past, onsite vaccinations were offered. This year, due to a smaller staff roster, members will have to arrange for vaccinations on their own and will be reimbursed.
Lt. Paoletti has been assigned with the responsibility of tracking our PPE usage and ordering new stock as needed. Our current supply is adequate.
Lastly, due to the COVID-19 restrictions, this year’s 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb will be done virtually, Members will be participating on their own time by climbing stairs, walking, or running 9.11K, hiking 9.11 miles, or biking 34.3 miles.

Mr. Mucher reported that the new flag pole has arrived. There was a problem with the vestibule doors not matching but it has been resolved. Furniture needs are being reviewed and chosen. An estimate cost is being worked on.
Mr. Hollister reported that he has had numerous conversations with neighbors of the new firehouse, volunteer groups and master gardener Macy Reynolds regarding landscape options for the fire station. There are several options to consider therefore discussions will be continuing. He added he hopes to find donations towards the project.

Mr. Gochenouer reported there was one ashes interment and one full burial, both in Glen Forest, since the last meeting. There are 3 burials scheduled for next week.
It was agreed to add more mulch to the Scattering Garden.

It was reported that the chip sealing is finished and it looks pretty nice. Fog sealing will be done later this week or early next week. Mr. Mucher agreed the roads look good. He added there is a pothole at the end of Carol Drive. Mr. Gochenouer added there are a couple more in the Township that will be taken care of. Mr. Mucher also informed Mr. Gochenouer of the road sign on the corner of Huston and Dayton-YS Road is “getting cock-eyed” and needs straightened.
A MOTION by Mr. Crockett and SECONDED by Mr. Hollister was made to adopt RESOLUTION 202-32: Use of Engine Brake restriction. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

A MOTION by Mr. Crockett and SECONDED by Mr. Hollister was made to adopt RESOLUTION 2020-33: Amendment of Permanent Appropriations. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
It was stated that President Trump is offering government employees to not withhold payroll taxes starting immediately and ending December 31st 2020. These taxes would then have to be paid back. As a Township, it was decided to decline the offer and continue to withhold payroll taxes.

Mr. Zopf reported there were no permits issued since his last report.
The Board of Zoning Appeals met and allowed to variance requests: allowing a waste water treatment facility to be constructed in Clifton and permission to continue activities at the Wirrig Pavilion until October 1st, 2020.
The Zoning Commission is continuing to struggle with the revision of the Agricultural Distract section of the Zoning Code.
The Village of Yellow Springs requested a permit to build a new structure at the SR 343 location. Mr. Zopf denied the permit due to the code not permitting new construction. An appeal can be made through the Board of Zoning Appeals.

No report.

A MOTION by Mr. Crockett and SECONDED by Mr. Hollister was made to adopt RESOLUTION 2020-34: Care Act. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
Lastly, Mr. Mucher reviewed the Cares Act funding that has been spent so far by the Township.

There being no further business to discuss, the Trustees Agreed to Adjourn. Time – 6:30 pm.

Chairperson_______________________________ Attest_______________________________