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November 16, 2020



NOVEMBER 16, 2020

The meeting was called to order at Chairperson Mucher at 5:02 pm. Trustees Crockett and Hollister were present. Fire Chief Altman, Road Department employee Gochenouer, Zoning Inspector Zopf and Fiscal Officer Silliman were in attendance.
YS News reported Carol Simmons was present.

A MOTION by Mr. Crockett and SECONDED by Mr. Hollister was made to adopt the minutes of November 16th as amended. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

A MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Mr. Crockett was made to pay accounts in the amount of $362,110.65: General Fund – $8,748.54: Fire Fund – $15,117.36; Cemetery Fund – $706.78; EMS Billing – $8,773.75; Road and Bridge – $2,677.11; Capitol Fund – $316,087.11; CARES Act Fund – $15,000. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

The Trustees received:
• CareWorks Claims Management report for 7/1 -9/30/2020;
• E-Mails from USDA re: Funds;
• COVID Update from Chief Altman;
• Aflac survey;
• OTA Legislative Alerts 11/6 & 11/15;
• GCTA meeting minutes 11/10/20;
• E-Mail from Twp. resident re: Wirrig Pavillion Use;
• June 16 Township Zoning Commission meeting minutes;
• RPCC Executive Committee November 17th meeting materials;
• Bath Twp. activity report;
• CARES Act Business Grant Summary Report and dealines;
• 225 Corry St. Survey communication;
• Interim Director of YS Chamber of Commerce e-mail;
• OPERS October Report;
• Draft Amended Solid Waste Management Plan update;
• Fund Status, Revenue Status and Appropriation Status for 11/16/2020.

Chief Altman reported there were 34 EMS (1 on Bath Twp.) and 14 Fire incidents (1 in Bath Twp.) since the last meeting. A total of 9 of the 34 EMS incidents were possibly COVID related. On that note, all MTFR staff who were in quarantine have returned to work. New protocols have been put in place in reaction to the current COVID climate. Rapid testing options for all staff is being pursued. The YS Community Foundation has expressed an interest in paying for the testing. The Greene County Public Health Department is also a possibility.
The Department has moved to a new software program that will cover all that they need including streamlining run reports as they are already partnered with Kettering Health Network.
On the positive side, the Department is currently interviewing and processing possibly 6 new volunteers.
The Department’s mammoth printer has been declared too costly to repair. Investigation into the best replacement option is in process.
Bath Township’s contract with the Township is coming up for renewal. Chief Altman stated they may return to service by the City of Fairborn. He added that old Engine 81 that was given to Miami Township by Bath Township is having transmission problems. If it is not repairable cost wise, he would like to replace it with a pumper tanker.
On the matter of Bath Township contracting Fire/EMS services, a MOTION by Mr. Crockett and SECONDED by Mr. Hollister was made to support a continuation of the arrangement on the same terms currently in place. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

Mr. Mucher stated that blinds for all the windows need to be installed. Downspouts and brackets are yet to be installed. The Building’s front yard side also needs to be erected.
Mr. Hollister reported that possible landscaping issues developed due to weather but were resolved. He added that the Trustees had authorized a $500 expenditure for landscaping but stated it would cost much more to complete the job. He stated the recommendations included a dozen trees and bushes with an estimate cost of $4,000. A MOTION by Mr. Mucher and SECONDED by Mr. Crockett was made to authorize an additional expenditure of $3,500 for landscaping. The USDA funds should be used for the expense. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
A Special Meeting was held November 9th with the Trustees and the YSC Foundation. An extension of the option to purchase was authorized to December 4th.

Mr. Gochenouer reported there was 1 Natural Burial since the last meeting. Ans ashes internment is scheduled for tomorrow morning.
Planting of grass seed, along with fertilizer, is on the schedule for Oak Grove.

Recent inclement weather required the crew to attend to downed trees on John Bryan Park and Clifton Roads. The discussion to buy a sidewalk snow blower for the new fire station driveway and sidewalks was revisited. Mr. Gochenouer will check on costs for purchasing a blower.
Mr. Gochenouer stated he needed to take a personal day next Wednesday. The Trustees authorized the day off.

A MOTION by Mr. Crockett and SECONDED by Mr. Hollister was made to adopt RESOLUTION 2020-46: Amendment of Permanent Appropriations. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
On the matter of CARES Act expenditures, a MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Mr. Crockett was made to authorize contributing $15,000 to the YS Community Foundation for emergency rental needs. The remaining amount will be contributed to the Fire/EMS Funds for personnel costs. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

Mr. Zopf reported that the recent BZA hearing went relatively smoothly overall. After hearing testimonies from both sides, the Board decided to reinstate the original granted extension which will permit the events to go on until August 5th, 2021.
A survey record of the 3 acre lot on E. Enon Road was signed.

MVRPC – Mr. Mucher reported that the Executive Committee met with regular reports presented. The MVRPC Board also met and heard an excellent presentation by ODOT focusing on distracted driving.
RPCC – Mr. Mucher reported that several subdivisions were approved. Also, there was discussion on the topic of not allowing building to encroach on to easements in place for drainage, power lines, etc.
Greene County Complete Census Count – Mr. Hollister stated the count is completed and his position has ended.
Greene County Solid Waste District Policy Committee – Mr. Hollister reported that public comment was heard.
Grinnell Mill – Mr. Mucher reported that Chris Moore will be providing a quote to repair a portion of the Mill’s roof. A MOTION by Mr. Mucher and SECONDED by Mr. Crockett was made to authorize an installment payment of $5,000 to Mr. Moore for materials purchase. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

There being no further business to discuss, a MOTION by Mr. Mucher and SECONDED by Mr. Crockett was made to move into Executive Session to discuss matters of employee discipline. MOTION CARRIED unanimously. Time – 6:17 pm.

Following discussion regarding matters of employee discipline, a MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Mr. Crockett was made to Adjourn. MOTION CARRIED unanimously. Time – 6:32 pm.

There being no further business to discuss, the Trustees unanimously Agreed to Adjourn. Time – 6:34 pm.

Chairperson______________________________ Attest______________________________