APRIL 20, 2020
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm by Chairperson Mucher. Trustee Hollister was in attendance. Fire Chief Altman, Road Department employee Gochenouer and Fiscal Officer Silliman were also present.
YS News reporter Carol Simons also participated in the virtual meeting.
A MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Mr. Mucher was made to adopt the minutes of April 6th as amended. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
A MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Mr. Mucher was made to pay accounts in the amount of $47,193.40: General Fund – $1,580.49; Fire Fund – $13,844.50; Cemetery Fund – $439.79;
EMS Billing – $9,103.94; Road and Bridge – $2,150.42; Capital Fund – $20,074.26. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
The Trustees received:
• Greene County Sanitary Engineering newsletter;
• Medicount Management Annual Report 2019;
• Fund Status, Revenue Status reports for April 20, 2020.
Chief Altman reported there were 24 EMS (3 in Bath Township) and 14 Fire incidents (2 in Bath Township) since the last meeting.
MTFR is well stocked in terms of PPE due to the planning and quick action of the parts of Asst. Chief Powell and Lt. Wendt. The Department is currently reporting their PPE levels to Greene County EMA every week.
Chief Altman reported that staffing issues continue. FF/PM Paoletti is to resume his full-time position in the next 2-3 weeks. Two part-time positions are still open. Current part-time and volunteer staff have stepped up to help fill openings.
Lastly, it was reported that Finley Fire is scheduled to visit the Station soon to replace the pump for the foam system as well as the water tank level gauge. Medic 82 has resumed leaning to one side but is still in service. He is waiting on a call back from the manufacturer.
Mr. Mucher reported that the construction is approximately 60% complete. The center of the building now has a roof in place. The cast stone and brick work is being laid. The west side of the administration building is almost complete.
In the initial design of the station a window was included the lobby of the administration section. Due to cost, it was was removed from the plans. With the deletion of a stand alone heater in the bay area, money is available to return the lobby window to the plan. A MOTION by Mr. Hollister and SECONDED by Mr. Mucher was made to authorize the change order and install a window in the lobby area. MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
Mr. Gochenouer reported there was one full burial since the last meeting. A couple ashes internments are pending.
Clifton Cemetery has been mowed. Mr. Mucher informed Mr. Gochenouer that Brandon Morris can be paid for up to 40 hours of work for the next pay period. Mr. Mucher asked that Oak Grove Cemetery receive some of his attention. Mr. Gochenouer agreed to do so.
Mr. Gochenouer reported the new mower will be delivered on Wednesday.
Mr. Mucher asked if there has been any information from the County Engineer’s office regarding road resurfacing being scheduled. Mr. Gochenouer stated he has not heard from that office yet.
MVRPC – Mr. Mucher reported that forty-plus people met via teleconferencing. A couple Resolutions were passed.
RPCC – Mr. Mucher reported the Commission is meeting tomorrow.
YSCDC – Mr. Hollister reported that the purchase/sale of the current Township’s fire house was the main topic of conversation.
The group is working with several members/organizations of the community to provide assistance to those in need during the COVID 19 crisis.
Complete Census Committee – Mr. Hollister reported the rural areas of the Township’s are reported to be having a very low response rate. Deadline for canvassing has been postponed.
Greene County Solid Waste District Policy Committee – Mr. Hollister stated the group did not meet but their 3 year report was submitted and reviewed by the State. No comment has been made yet.
Grinnell Mill – Mr. Mucher reported that things look good and the roof will be getting painted in the near future.
No report.
No report.